Podcast: Gisele Gambi

It’s OK To Be Powerful – Part 2

Episode 3 It’s OK To Be Powerful published in December resonated so strongly that I decided to create It’s OK To Be Powerful Part 2. I was also inspired to create this episode when just last week a client reflected these words ‘I now know how to hold power. I feel powerful. I’m no longer…

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Nothing But Miracles (Extra 6 minute episode)

Be inspired by this story of Integrative Oncologist Dr Carol Haddad’s patient’s journey to being cancer free. In my original interview with Dr Carol Haddad in Episode 4 ‘The Intuitive Response to Cancer & Illness’, Carol shares her own journey of moving from conventional medicine in a very respected role at Sydney’s North Shore Hospital…

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Called Into Freedom

This is one of those episodes I had to record catalysed by my own personal process which snuck up on me last week. Feeling a bit naked in my vulnerability, this is one of those episodes that I want you to listen to, and also don’t want you to listen to! I share an identity…

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The Bravest Question

I dedicate this episode in memory of a man I had the honour of coaching in 2016, including time we spent together in Kenya on retreat. We named Rob Garsden our King of Hearts, because that’s what he was. Rob passed away on 11 February 2022, ironically the day my son Joshua was born 23…

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Following The Intuitive Pull

This morning I was inspired to pull apart the journey that lead me to following the intuitive pull to create this podcast. Why? To help my clients on their journeys to follow their own intuitive pulls. I then decided to create this episode to support you too. What was most precious about this process of…

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Forgiving The Unforgivable

Oh gosh, what a joy it was to interview Susan Knapp who listened to the podcast and was pulled to connect with me to share her story. Be inspired by this huge story of forgiveness and Susan’s powerful question to each of her children ‘who do you want to be now?’ and the magic that…

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Living Life In The Overflow

This episode is dedicated to Living In The Overflow in contrast to living in lack or even ‘enough’ as I had caught myself a little while back. And guess what?  Living in the Overflow is the direct consequence of following the intuitive pull.  Funny that 😘 But often when people are not in Overflow but…

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The Wholehearted Man

This is a story of a man called “Mark” who came to me with debilitating anxiety. Similar to many men, he’d pinned his self-value on being a rockstar at making money, on external success, the deadliest virus of all. When that became untenable, his inner world came crashing down. I wrote this story, an account…

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The Entrepreneurial Spirit of Intuition

Wow wee come and get activated and feel an acceleration as I did when I interviewed Zahrina Robertson who is a multi-award winning visual story teller who works with speakers, leaders and entrepreneurs to develop unique brand strategies through photography and video.  She’s authored two books and has most recently discovered herself as a painter…

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Do You Depend On External Strategies To Rescue You?

Why do some strategies work and others don’t? Being the end of January, post holidays, this is strategy season!  And because we spend tonnes of money on engaging different strategies it’s super important to get really clear on whether the strategy you’re employing is a powerful one or not. I was acutely and unexpectedly given…

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