have Your most

Significant Life-Changing Year,
for the first time or again

I know you want more, deserve more and are being called into more when it comes to your wellness, finances, purpose, business, career or relationships.

I also know that you want to feel in your gut that the work you’re putting in has the depth, the wisdom and the practical resonance to place you on that upward trajectory that would ensure that this is a breakthrough year, perhaps for the first time, or again.

This is a time of coming into greater integrity and giving yourself results that you’ve not yet had the privilege of experiencing, and in a way that you’ve not yet enjoyed.

It's time to raise the stakes

Imagine finally getting to the place where you’ve not only made the life changing shift that’s always felt impossible and you’ve experienced its generous ripples of impact, but you’ve also released any blame and judgment. This is peace.

Imagine waking up in the morning feeling on purpose, energised and like life is happening FOR you. Perfection.

The problem is, you’ve tried so many different things but none of those things have “unlocked” whatever it is that will move you into true fulfilment. And true peace.

Therapy isn’t right. Counselling not your thing. Executive coaching too stiff. Consultants too much of a wank and spiritual teachers too rainbows and unicorns. If you’ve tried to resolve the ‘problem’, you are well and truly over the change not being sustainable. The solution has not done its job. None of these ways have brought ‘wholeness’ in their approach that you’ve been seeking.

That’s why I created…

Untapped Abundance

"The Breakthrough Program that changes everything"


A 3 or 12 month private 1 on 1 coaching & mentoring experience for people who can no longer remain in the powerlessness of blame, judgment and drama that create pendulum swings of success to failure, health to un-wellness, wealth to lack, joy to frustration and peace to chaos.  And for people who have achieved great success already yet what once felt big no longer does, and what once felt aligned no longer fits. 

By meeting the untapped abundance of who you already are and who you are becoming, Untapped Abundance is the breakthrough program that will change everything.  

You cannot enter this time of renewal by holding onto the past, by holding onto who you have known yourself to be, by holding onto definitions of what you’re capable of, by forcing what had worked but no longer does.

You cannot experience your most significant life-changing year by digging your heels in and pushing away the force of nature that longs for your becoming.

Because I know the exhaustion, the overwhelm and even the underwhelm you’re feeling. You’ve either tried everything under the sun believing that these paths would be the answer or you’ve buried your head in the sand of avoidance.

As a result you’re either exasperated or getting there . With all the best intentions you’ve tried to ‘manage’ or ‘change’ things yet the problem continues to exist. 

You can’t “keep on keeping on” and hitting that invisible glass ceiling.

Not breaking through is not an option.

You have to make good to finally live the life you’ve kept promising yourself to live.


I see you. I feel you. I know you.

I want to tell you that it’s OK to feel like you’ve lost your mojo.

It’s OK to feel like you want to give up on your desires because it’s all too bloody hard.

It’s OK to feel sadness at the reality that you’ve been looking for the breakthrough in all the wrong places.

And it’s so OK to acknowledge that your success to date no longer fills your cup.  That there’s more of you to become and so much more for you to experience.

Perhaps you’ve even maintained the appearance of shininess on the outside. Perhaps no one really knows what’s going on and the longing you feel when you acknowledge that your life feels tentative or smaller than you’d imagined, and way smaller than you anticipated.

You don’t need to be the sacrificial lamb in your leadership of self and others.  And you certainly don’t need to be the test case in your desire to live a full, powerful, authentic life; one where you’ll have no regrets when you take your last breath.

If what I’m saying is resonating with you, I want to say congratulations. Congratulations because within the confusion is an inextricable longing for depth.

Crisis is a catalyst for depth.

100% of the population have the same capacity for depth, but most overlook it. They ‘manage’ it away. They tell themselves to be happy with what they’ve got. Then they tell you about the beautiful life you have and what is there to be unhappy about? They want you to settle.

But your body won’t let you settle. Those thoughts and feelings and that ‘pull’ won’t let you settle.

Embrace this longing. There is nothing to feel shameful about – not for what you have or haven’t achieved, not for your current circumstances and not for how you’re feeling. Depth is calling you to heal, to transform and to be free.

If you’re finally ready to have your most significant life-changing year in the context of purpose, leadership, wellness, wealth, peace, connection and fulfilment, I’d love to invite you to join me in Untapped Abundance.

Here’s How Untapped Abundance Came About

I know crisis very, very well. Crisis brought me to my knees when my first baby Joshua passed away at 11 days old. Not long after I ended an emotionally and physically abusive marriage. This led me to do my own inner work.  Not only did I realise that I held beliefs of unworthiness and unlovability that created a perfectly matching reality, but I also connected within me to an untapped abundance of intuition.

In that intuition I heard Joshua tell me ‘You’re here to ignite peoples’ spirits and hearts. That’s what you did for me and 11 days was all I needed. And now I do the same to you.’  Whilst I didn’t know what that practically meant at that time, I was no longer victim of that chaos, I felt free, I felt a depth of self-love and power that I’d not felt before and I knew that my life was about to take on a very authentic and purposeful trajectory.

I had come to know that chaos and crisis is one of life’s great catalysts to recalibrate who we think we are to who we really are in our infinite, loving and powerful capacity.

I thus left my senior Human Resources Directorship role and since 2004 have been facilitating and coaching people to move out of chaos and drama and to experience their own untapped abundance in the areas of purpose and meaning, leadership, wellness and health, finances, relationships and of course happiness and peace.

I have an intuitive ability to not only hold space for your humanity and to see what’s REALLY going, but to see the greater purpose it is in service to. Herein lies ‘the’ life-changing shift that changes everything, the one that has remained elusive up until this moment.

My standard of measurement

In Untapped Abundance, you'll be held to a standard of measurement of ‘nothing but miracles’; a miracle being defined as a shift in perception from fear to love. Because just as I had experienced in my transition from chaos to calling, the life-changing shifts in perceptions - the ones that change everything, can only be created from this viewing platform of transforming fear into love.

Who is untapped abundance For?

I work with many different types of people – people who have not been able to make their businesses profitable, people who have cancer or other illnesses, people who don’t really know what they’re going for but feel lost, anxious, depressed, people who are experiencing chaos or crisis in their personal or business/career lives, people who are ready to put trauma and suffering to bed and people who know that they’re ready to experience major breakthroughs.

How does Untapped Abundance private 1 on 1 coaching & mentoring work?

Month 1-3

I will privately partner with you 1 on 1 so that you meet the blindspots that have created thresholds on how loving, deserving and powerful you’ve allowed yourself to be. We’ll go to the ‘causal’ point of your struggles and we’ll see who it wants you to become in its contrast. This is where you’ll experience ‘the’ life-changing shift in perception – the one that changes everything. And now you’ll come into energetic alignment with the next generation of you.

What this looks like is that you’ll have a 1 on 1 with me every week or fortnight based on your preference. We’ll do this on the phone or by zoom, again based on your preference. As we’re working with your process ‘live’, you’ll also be able to communicate with me 24/7 via text, email and messenger.

Month 4-12

Now that you are free, and have experienced profound internal shifts and external results in the areas that matter the most to you, this next phase of the coaching and mentoring experience is one of overflow.

Here we raise the stakes again as you are invited to experience even more results that you’ve not yet had the privilege of experiencing, because as you do this becomes a demonstration for others that they can do the same.

This is an exciting part of the process where results will not come from the place in which you’ve most probably achieved from before.  They will come from the art of letting go of control, surrendering and allowing, all deeply rooted in authenticity, presence and intuition.

And thus you will have the experience of overflow as you meet the untapped abundance of who you already are and who you are becoming.  

Now you will come into alignment with your most authentic, service-giving and impactful vision. You’ll see that Love has bigger plans for you than the ones you’ve made for yourself. And you’ll cultivate the guts to dare to ground everything that you are called to bring to life and nothing short of it. Momentum will become your friend. You’ll learn that authenticity is indeed profitable. And you’ll experience the magic of the untapped abundance within yourself bringing to life that upward trajectory in your health and wellness, finances, leadership, purpose, business, career and relationships.

You are renewed. 

And you’ll have experienced your most significant life-changing year for the first time or again.


I am big on community for those who enjoy the synergy, synchronicity and the value of deep connection with other like-minded peers.  In the Untapped Abundance community is a plethora of experts who I have coached & mentored for many years and are leading from their most authentic purpose.  They are experts in energy alignment and healing, intuitive mediumship, branding, vibrational marketing, entrepreneurship, communication, strategy, parenting, creative expression including book writing and breath-work.  

It is a very rich community!

I am able to pull on these resources to support those I am working with if and when the opportunity arises.

There will also be the opportunity to come together on retreat.  So far I have run retreats in China, Phuket, Bali, Vietnam, Croatia and 5 times in Kenya.  The next retreat will occur in 2025 with timing and destination yet to be grounded.



If there’s a part of you wondering what is different about Untapped Abundance compared to everything else you’ve done…

A lot of options don’t have the depth of staying power. The nature of the teachings can also be too elementary. Or they can be too head-based, denying our intuitive self or too heart-based, lacking the grounding that’s required. Other options knee-depth in external strategy are too much of a bloody hard slog, denying the importance of energetic alignment first. And other options are too trauma based and you don’t want to get caught in that loop.

The answers lie within you in cultivating your own untapped abundance of unconditional self-responsibility, presence, knowing, intuition, authenticity and powerfulness. Results come from here. How freeing is that?

If this sounds like the missing piece to your journey towards actually living the life you’ve been promising you’ll live, then:

Do you feel a pull? Some of my clients have said that they knew they wanted to work with me even before we had our exploratory conversation. Others sought that confirmation through our initial conversation. All that I’ll say is that when we speak, you’ll know that you know.

Untapped Abundance is Not…

… a massive mastermind group program where you feel like just another number and don’t receive personalised guidance, care or support. 

I adore my intimate 1 on 1 work.  I adore witnessing that moment when ‘the’ life-changing shift in perception that changes everything arrives.

This is one of my most rewarding moments in coaching. Working at this level of depth you’ll be amazed at how fast things will move for you.

I’ve had a Doctor of Psychology say to me that she moved things more quickly in 3 months with me than all her many years in therapy.

I’ve also had a client who was going to cancel her initial discovery call with me, believing that she needed to go to hospital instead, say that she didn’t know what I did, but everything changed in that meeting, and the chaos disappeared. 

I’m ready to apply.

Amazing! You can book your application call here

Application To Explore Coaching

Please give these questions and answers your full presence and honesty. There is nothing that you need to hide or not be real with. I appreciate your energy and time in completing this application form.
I will contact you as soon as I receive your application.
With thanks,