Podcast: Gisele Gambi

What Have You Been Committed To In 2022?

Allow your heart to open as you listen to what I am so thankful for in 2022. Allow my gratitude to ripple into your world as you go into a state of thankfulness for what you’ve been committed to, knowingly or not. In the spirit of creating the whole of your reality, you’ve been committed…

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‘Never In A Million Years Did We Think He’d Take His Own Life’

On 17 June 2021, Paul Dunn’s brother and Scott Osborne’s brother in law, Nick Dunn took his life. Suicide has dominated the media again this week with ‘tWitch’ Stephen Boss’s totally unexpected suicide. ‘Never in a million years’ is what Paul and Scott said about Nick taking his life. In fact Nick’s family believed that…

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Radical Compassion & Forgiveness

What a blessing it was to interview Troy Methorst who was a Search Team Commander in Afghanistan until 2012 and later co-founded Veteran Mentors in 2017 working with teens and their families. This is not a usual episode of this podcast by nature of the environment of war and…. I’m in so much gratitude for…

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There Are Bigger Plans For You In 2023 Than The Plans You’ve Made For Yourself

All my worlds collided on Sunday when I received an answer to a question I’d been holding for at least six months. How can I be of service to more people? Listen to this episode and hear the unfolding of my own intuitive process in relation to this question…..and listen to this episode as I…

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Your Capacity Is Bigger Than You Think It Is

In this episode a tell a story of a contradiction I saw in the story I was telling myself versus how I was actually feeling. Underneath the story was unworthiness saying ‘am I really worthy of this growing capacity and all that it brings?’ I know this episode will speak to many of you around…

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WTF with all this intensity?!

Are you experiencing the intensity that’s here? I’ve only been back two weeks since facilitating the ‘Deep Impact’ Retreat in Kenya and wow, there is so much intensity in the air! I meditated on the question ‘WTF with all this intensity?’ last week and this is what I heard in response. Love is being very…

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The Ultimate Act In Taking Personal Responsibility

Welcome to Season 2 of The Intuitive Pull Podcast fresh off the back of coming home from facilitating the last Retreat for 2022 in Kenya. One of the questions I whispered in attendees’ ears was ‘What’s your divine assignment?’ as I had just heard the answer for me which I speak to in this episode….

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Deep Impact – A Prayer/Meditation

It’s said that the ultimate act of taking personal responsibility is to see with the Mind of God. For without true perception we continue to live in a world akin to a hall of mirrors, mirroring illusions and falsities in and all around us. A we see with the Mind of God, we see the…

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Fuck Yes. I Matter And So Do You.

Listen to the incredible demonstration that Libby Stewart is of someone who has moved from despair to leadership where in her words ‘I really love to give a fuck’. This is a very, very tender and powerful conversation speaking to the reality of trauma that once rendered Libby incapacitated to ask for help to now…

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The Mind Of God Prayer/Meditation

Are you aware of the quality of your thinking, decisions and actions? From which orientation are they being fuelled by – your small thinking mind that thinks it’s doing good or the vastness of the mind that has a creative power way beyond your identity? As I’m about to head off to facilitate another retreat…

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