Deep Impact – A Prayer/Meditation

It’s said that the ultimate act of taking personal responsibility is to see with the Mind of God. For without true perception we continue to live in a world akin to a hall of mirrors, mirroring illusions and falsities in and all around us.

A we see with the Mind of God, we see the beauty of our humanity. This is where leadership is borne and deepened into. This is where we hear the calling into what truly matters so much that all else that we were committed to in our smallness becomes just one grain of sand in all of the entire ocean.

I’m currently in Kenya facilitating another retreat on the back of facilitating in Croatia just over a month ago. Delicious! I received this prayer yesterday morning and recorded this prayer into a meditation for peeps on retreat here and also for you.

Enjoy this meditation which is based on the theme of the retreat – Deep Impact and the retreat’s premise that just puts a big smile on my face each time I think about it – ‘pigs can fly’, because it is that level of intentionality that my darling friend and peer Michelle Richmond and I are holding here for the next 13 days together as we travel across the land in Kenya.


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Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art

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