Podcast: Gisele Gambi

A Life Changing Decision

I’m just back from facilitating a Retreat in Croatia and was pulled yesterday to summarise for myself what happened for each person there. I was then pulled to look at the common denominators across each person’s process and decided to turn this into an episode for a few reasons – to allow those who went…

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A Prayer For Your Leadership (from Retreat in Croatia)

Allow this prayer to deepen and clarify your leadership, your divine assignment, your Dharma. This prayer was received on my flight from Geneva to Split on my way to facilitating a Retreat for clients in Croatia, September 2022. The lusciousness! Enjoy this prayer that acts like a meditation and blessing. :: If you’re called to…

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My Personal Reflections This Year

I’ve been busting to create this episode. Again I talk about the power of the sacred container of Retreats and I was blessed to attend one as participant a few weeks ago as part of the Mastermind that I’m in. Want to experience more than you could ever imagine in all the best of ways?…

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Transformation In A Moment

You are going to love this episode with Alana Mai Mitchell, Results Coach, Transformation In A Day Podcaster and Senior Product Development Manager. Allow this episode to create transformation in a moment! Learn from Alana’s view of the world, what her greatest value is, how the shame that she carried from five mental health crisis’…

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Are You Being Truthful To Yourself And The World? A Medical Perspective

In this episode I interview Integrative Doctor, Dr Amy Gajjar who specialises in Thyroid, Gut health and Autoimmunity. I’ve been blessed to know Dr Amy for the last few years having been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease which has now been largely reversed through Dr Amy’s care. Dr Amy’s story is a wonderful example of someone…

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Lovingly Unfiltered

Get an inside look into the power of Retreats as you hear my co-facilitator extraordinaire’s process on retreat in the participant chair with our coach and his group. You’ll see through Michelle Richmond’s experience how retreats are an extraordinary accelerator of the impact that we’re here to make and how it’s the magic that we…

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How To Experience An Energetic Shift With Gisele Gambi (on the Transformation In A Day Podcast)

This time the tables were turned and I was delightfully interviewed by Alana Mai Mitchell on her podcast ‘Transformation In A Day’ which is a truly brilliant podcast! You can find it here on Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/transformation-in-a-day/id1584789338 If you want to experience transformation in a day, and who wouldn’t, an energetic shift is the way…

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Deep Impact – Going Beyond The Impact You’ve Made

In this episode I have a conversation with my dear friend and peer Michelle Richmond who lives in Kenya and who I’ve co-facilitated two retreats with on Safari and will again in November. Whether you’re called to join us in Kenya or are activated through the journey that we take you on in this episode,…

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Digging Deep – The Inside Job Of A Leader

Listen to the inside workings of a Chairwoman and leader of a business who I have the privilege to coach. As you listen to her process of digging deep you’ll be able to appreciate the inside job of a leader. There are so many golden nuggets that have arisen through her coaching that initially I…

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How To Massively Expand Your Comfort Zone

If you want to massively expand your comfort zone, then come learn from Leanne Minshull who recently ran in the federal election for the Tasmanian senate. If you’re being pulled to step up into your leadership, Leanne reminds you that the most powerful strategy is love and love can be really provocative, uncomfortable and create…

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