Podcast: Gisele Gambi

From Seriously Invisible To Impeccably Memorable

You are going to love this episode with Jennifer Mitchell as she talks about the powerful time of transformation the last six months have been. 'Pigs have flown' from the moment Jen made the decision to follow the pull to go to our Retreat in Kenya in November 2022. Hear what happened as Jen embraced…

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The Gifts Borne From Pain

This is a special episode that is a recording of a three way group coaching conversation namely featuring Debbie Radosavljevic. Debbie was a refugee from former Yugoslavia during the Balkan War in Bosnia. She lost her husband to the war when her daughter was seven months old and for six years moved from town to…

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That Moment of Failure When You’re Just About To Give Up

This is a story that many of us are familiar with – that moment of failure when we’re just about to give up on our visions, dreams, callings, passions, that moment of exasperation when we go for those seductive shiny carrots, and when we decide to never turn our backs on ourselves ever, ever again….

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A Conversation About Freedom With Michelle Richmond And Our May 2023 Kenya Retreat

Enjoy this conversation with my soul sister Michelle Richmond and I as we prepare to co-facilitate our fifth Retreat together, four of them in Kenya. This is a conversation about freedom – the freedom to acknowledge the thresholds you’ve placed on ourselves and the blindspots that keep these thresholds in place the freedom to be…

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Thresholds, Blindspots & My Mission

This is a very vulnerable share speaking to an introspective journey that has lead me to seeing the thresholds I’ve placed on myself on how loving and powerful I’ve allowed myself to be. As I dug deep I saw that what I hadn’t acknowledged in my past became a sleeping tiger and this had power…

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Meet Your Blindspots Meditation

I’m sharing this meditation from the 9 Week Meditation Program to support you to integrate the previous episode ‘Remember To Decide What You Choose’. In a year themed The Breakthrough Year, this is a year where we are invited to leave no stone unturned and to end all blindspots. This is a powerful meditation to…

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Remember To Decide What You Choose

This is a simple yet important message. As we co-create with Life, not only is it powerful to let go of control and to surrender into a reality that is far greater than what we could have expected, but it is also important to remember to decide what we choose. Listen and be reminded of…

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The Breakthrough Year – Part 2

In this episode I continue on from Part 1 and share my stream of consciousness that has been running through me since December. It’s another personal sharing with the intention of creating breathtaking ripples in your life. I wonder how this episode will impact you? Feel free to send me a personal voice recording here…

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2023 The Breakthrough Year – Part 1

I’ve been feeling for a while now that 2023 will be a breakthrough year and thus I was inspired to create 2 episodes – The Breakthrough Year – Part 1 and Part 2. In Part 1 listen into the two most vital ingredients to creating a breakthrough year with grace. There are some very tender…

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The More Space You Give To Yourself, The More Overflow

As I prepare for the new 9 Week Meditation Program, I was pulled to write out the founding principles by which I live my life and coach for those who are participating in this program commencing 30 January. I then felt another pull to share this on this podcast. These principles changed the course of…

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