Podcast: Gisele Gambi

Momentum Serves The Committed

This episode is perfectly timed as we begin the new year and reflect on what we’ve achieved, what has momentum and what doesn’t. We look at four causes for the absence or lack of momentum, including its disruptors and hijackers. This is a semi serious and sobering episode designed to galvanise your commitment so that…

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Peace Is A Choice

During this holiday time on 27 December 2021, episode 6 offers the gift of peace. In this episode I talk about a state of peace that is not temporary being a daily choice that is not dependant on any external circumstances needing to be in place.  To think that peace is conditional is the biggest…

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My 10 Year Old Daughter Speaks To Her Most Valuable Experiences of 2021

Well this was the plan I didn’t make!  As I shared with my 10 year daughter that I was appreciating the most valuable lessons and experiences that I had in 2021, Ruby-Rose asked if I could interview her on my podcast so that she could share hers.  So I seized the moment and we recorded…

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The Intuitive Response To Cancer & Illness

Allow this episode with Integrative Oncologist Dr Carol Haddad and Natalie Simes to be the energetic prescription to seeing cancer and other illnesses as the calling card to live a life of authenticity, freedom and a depth of love and connection for self and others. Whether you are impacted by illness yourself or whether you…

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It’s OK To Be Powerful – Part 1

In this episode that acts as an intimate conversation with you, and a blessing and a prayer all at the same time, you’ll come to see if you have upper limit levelled yourself and if you have resistance to being powerful or even more powerful than you already are. You’ll see that being powerful doesn’t…

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Audacious Intuition

Have you ever received intuition that feels audacious to act upon?  Have you told yourself that it’s wrong, that it’s not your place, that you don’t have the right to follow through with it? Unlike manipulation, as intuition is fuelled by love, it only wishes to be of service to you and others.  Because intuition…

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The Cave You Fear To Enter

Sometimes when we act on intuitive pulls we see immediate results.  Other times we don’t.  Why is that? One of the hidden reasons is because we’re not ready. We’re not ready to realise the intuitive pull in a grounded way and receive its wondrous results because of our own resistances.  Whilst we are intuitively pulled…

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The Intuitive Pull Podcast Trailer

Welcome to The Intuitive Pull Podcast! This podcast is about the intuitive pulls in our life that unfold businesses and lives that are so much greater in wealth – in all ways – than any mind derived plan could ever achieve. Come along for the ride each week and allow your intuition to be activated…

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