Podcast: Gisele Gambi

Overflowing In Financial Wealth

In this week’s episode we talk about something that is on most of our minds – money. Thanks to a dream I had and its ensuing enquiry, I concluded that there are five orientations that we can hold the creation of financial wealth. Which orientation are you in relationship with financial wealth? I have a…

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Momentum Serves The Committed – Part 2

Did you know that structure has integrity? We need structures to support the realisation of our intentions, visions and goals to create momentum because without a structure they remain formless. And there is a distinction here. Structures will either support you in your finite nature or your infinite nature, and so it’s super important to…

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Authenticity Is Profitable

In this episode I talk about another really important distinction to help you observe whether you are making decisions from ego or intuition. I share how the two previous episodes ‘Intuition or Ego?’ and ‘The Power Of Surrendering To Intuition’ really worked me….and had me see how the the little ‘i’, the little Gisele was…

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The Power Of Surrendering To Intuition

This week’s episodes are dedicated to supporting you to unequivocally surrender to your intuitive pulls by discerning decisions that have come from ego. A memory magically showed up on Facebook of two former clients who are the most extraordinary demonstrations of having been seduced by the voice of the ego and then having a never,…

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Intuition Or Ego?

Oh I had fun with this episode. This episode had a life of its own. So let’s get down to business. Want to come on an adventure with me this week? Want to know the difference between being pulled by intuition and pulled by ego? Want to have certainty around your own intuitive pulls and…

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Bonus Meditation on ‘How Powerful Do I Allow Myself To Be?’

I was inspired to record this meditation based on the previous episode How Powerful Do I Allow Myself To Be? Please enjoy the journey into a vision of your leadership, into what you are here to catalyse and all the ripples of impact that flow onwards from the decision to live freely from your authentic…

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How Powerful Do I Allow Myself To Be?

This is an episode designed to be provocative as I invite you to ask yourself ‘how powerful do I allow myself to be?’ This was a question that I asked myself as I was on Retreat with my coach this past weekend. And this question was the consequence of re-connecting to the reason why I…

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An Abundance Of Miracles

One week ago I published an episode entitled ‘How Big Are You Dreaming?’ which was an interview with 17 year old Aaliyah Sirengo who a few years back, having felt like the world didn’t need her, found a purpose worth living for. Adopted from Kenya, her family built two schools in resource poor communities. When…

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Accessing Future Memories

What a joy it was to interview the amazing Luisa Carel, Global Passion Ambassador, and host of Passion Harvest an internationally acclaimed interview YouTube series/Podcast that showcases Thought Leaders across the globe to inspire others to live a passionate life. In Episode 19 Luisa talks about the idea that we can access ‘future memories’. Her…

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How Big Are You Dreaming?

What an inspiration it was to interview Aaliyah Sirengo, 17 year old daughter of Susan Knapp who I interviewed in Episode 12 ‘Forgiving The Unforgivable’. Susan asks her children not ‘who do you want to be when you grow up?‘ but ‘who do you want to be now?‘. A few years ago Aaliyah went through…

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