Momentum Serves The Committed – Part 2

Did you know that structure has integrity? We need structures to support the realisation of our intentions, visions and goals to create momentum because without a structure they remain formless. And there is a distinction here. Structures will either support you in your finite nature or your infinite nature, and so it’s super important to give presence to the quality of the structure you commit to.

Listen in to Episode 26 to check in on yourself.

  • Do you have intentions, visions and goals that do not have a structure to support the realisation of these in physical reality?
  • If you do have structures, do they support you in your finite nature or your infinite nature?

Allow this episode to reposition you such that the perfect structures find you.

Special mention to three very important people in my life whose perfect structures found me –

Jasmine Platt, my coach of a couple of years over 2013 – 2015 who opened me up the most delicious and perfect coaching model I had no idea existed until I became her client. You can find here here at and

Daniel Batten, my current coach of four years who has shown me that the most perfect structure to create from is peace, wholeness, fullness and relationship with the divine. You can find him here

Kylie Pinwill, my current nutritionist who I’m about to embark on a very self-loving journey with in her Weight Loss Wisdom Program. In case you want to join me ๐Ÿ˜˜ you can find her here


I hope this episode is truly valuable to you.


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Artwork credit ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ Lusid Art

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