How Powerful Do I Allow Myself To Be?

This is an episode designed to be provocative as I invite you to ask yourself ‘how powerful do I allow myself to be?’

This was a question that I asked myself as I was on Retreat with my coach this past weekend.

And this question was the consequence of re-connecting to the reason why I do what I do, and that is to catalyse an overflow of miracles in the world…..because I just love the ripple effect that happens when one person remembers who they really are.

Allow this episode to act as your own personal retreat as you go into process around your own sense of purpose and meaning and how powerful you allow yourself to be in bringing that to the world……and the infinite ripples of impact that unfurl as the consequence of being all of who you are.


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And if you’d like to check out Suzie de Jonge’s book The Untangling you can do so here

If you’d like to check Aaron Kemp’s incredible coaching work out you can do so here

Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art

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