Podcast: Gisele Gambi

Allowing Grace To Do The Heavy Lifting

What is ‘grace’? Grace has been defined as a divine favour, divine assistance and a spontaneous gift from God/The Universe. In this episode learn what part you can play to allow grace to do the heavy lifting on your behalf…..and equally learn what desists you from experiencing grace. And this week, take on an assignment…

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The Bravest Form Of Leadership Meditation

As The Catalysts Coaching Group are on Retreat this week 25 – 27 May 2022, we continue into another meditation entitled The Bravest Form Of Leadership. This follows on from Meditations in the previous two episodes ‘Super Presence’ and ‘Your Greatness Launched’. Enjoy this meditation which will stretch your comfort zone, encourage you into the…

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Your Greatness Launched Meditation

Following on from the Super Presence Meditation in previous Episode 34, enjoy this next Meditation that’s focussed on catalysing your leadership into the world. Get another inside look into The Catalysts ‘Super Presence’ Retreat being facilitated 25 – 27 May 2022. Deepen into a remembering that your leadership perfectly belongs in the world and see…

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Super Presence Meditation

In this meditation you’ll get an inside look into The Catalysts Retreat (coaching group) that is being facilitated 25 – 27 May 2022. The journey that we travel in this meditation is the road that we’ll be taking on Retreat. Very happy to share with our loyal and new listeners here through the podcast. Do…

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The Greatest Disease Prevention

My face hurt from the smile that permanently found itself on my face interviewing Dr Carol Haddad, Integrative Oncologist and Sami Howard, Pranic Energy Healer. If you or your loved ones have cancer or other illness or feel a general un-wellness, let this episode be your medicine. Learn about what causes cancer from Dr Carol…

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Super Presence

Want to experience the power of presence even more? In this episode learn about the ways you can super charge your state of presence such that you become Super Present. When you are Super Present, watch your leadership, intuition, vision, creative capacity and ability to receive and attract go next level. Super Presence is the…

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A Purpose That Finds You – Meditation

Want to find your purpose? Let it find you because it exists in the fabric of your life. You won’t be able to see it with the rational mind but rather through a sense of acceptance and wonder of what has been, what is and what could be when you value your value and marry…

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Meditation For Business Performance

In this episode I share the most powerful ‘strategy’ I’ve used in my 18 years as a coach that has made inevitable results that I didn’t know could be delivered – meditation! Why? Because I have a love for the practical but a hunger for the infinite! Here we sit in the premise that the…

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The Power Of Letting Go Of Control

Want to experience success through a state of happiness and peacefulness rather than fear, force and control? Join us on this episode and get an inside look into one of our group coaching calls and learn or be reminded of the futility of trying to understand everything with the rational mind which only leads to…

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Flying, Not Falling

Oh gosh it was truly a delight to interview Misha Frankel. Allow this episode to be a deep spiritual experience about who you really are and remember that when you let go, you don’t fall, you fly. Be inspired by the premises that when you give, you receive and that when there’s judgment, you’ve lost…

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