The Bravest Form Of Leadership Meditation

As The Catalysts Coaching Group are on Retreat this week 25 – 27 May 2022, we continue into another meditation entitled The Bravest Form Of Leadership. This follows on from Meditations in the previous two episodes ‘Super Presence’ and ‘Your Greatness Launched’.

Enjoy this meditation which will stretch your comfort zone, encourage you into the perfect creative mix of boldness & humility, and saying ‘fuck it, I’m fearless’.

How big will you allow yourself to dream?

How powerful will you allow yourself to be?

I remind you that the bravest (and smartest) form of leadership is not to choose you, or them, but us.

As always please let me know what happens as a result of listening to these episodes (ways to connect with me are listed below)


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Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art

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