Celebrating the 10,000th download today of The Intuitive Pull Podcast
As I appreciated this milestone of the 10,000th download of the podcast, I did a piece of writing that I have turned into a sort of reflective meditation. I...
You are invited to embrace the plans you didn’t make, where you’ll see that the deeper you go, the greater your wealth in your business and life – in all ways, and that authenticity is always profitable.
As I appreciated this milestone of the 10,000th download of the podcast, I did a piece of writing that I have turned into a sort of reflective meditation. I...
Very blessed to have been given permission by Suzie De Jonge, Jason Snaddon and especially Debbie Radosavljevic, to share some of yesterday's weekly group call with The Intuitive Pull...
You cannot create the new by sitting in the version of who you've known yourself to be. It's just not possible. Sometimes we need to go through the eye...
How often do you ask yourself the big questions like 'Where have I not fully chosen to live? What have I not fully chosen to give life to? Is...
Please enjoy this meditation which came to me whilst I was meditating this morning entitled Sacred Power. May this meditation embolden you in your own Sacred Power. :: I...
You are going to love this episode with Jennifer Mitchell as she talks about the powerful time of transformation the last six months have been. 'Pigs have flown' from...
This is a special episode that is a recording of a three way group coaching conversation namely featuring Debbie Radosavljevic. Debbie was a refugee from former Yugoslavia during the...
This is a story that many of us are familiar with – that moment of failure when we’re just about to give up on our visions, dreams, callings, passions,...
Enjoy this conversation with my soul sister Michelle Richmond and I as we prepare to co-facilitate our fifth Retreat together, four of them in Kenya. This is a conversation...
Come on over and subscribe to some weekly goodness.
I have so much to share that I trust will add a lot of value to your business and life.
Sharing is one of my greatest joys; sharing insights about my own personal journey, client wins, profound transformations, teachings, meditations and The Intuitive Pull Podcast episodes.
As I always say, the deep your go, the greater your wealth in all ways.
I look forward to landing in your inbox and creating some magic together