Podcast: Gisele Gambi

Bonus Meditation * How Far Can You Love?

This is a bonus episode/meditation to support the integration of the previous episode 46 ‘How Far Can You Love?’ It’s been created with love for you. :: If you’d like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I’ll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client…

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How Far Can You Love?

When we live intuitively, we live through and from the eyes of God. In this realm there are times when we are called to extend ourselves and to share our inner abundance so that the ripples are even more far reaching. In this episode you’re invited to feel into the questions – how far can…

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From Grit To Grace – Reclaiming Your Power

In this episode I interview Lizzie Adams, someone who I adore and admire, whose life represents the reclaiming of our natural, authentic, God given power. By the age of 22, a single mother who saw a gap in supportive literature for motherhood, Lizzie made one of the UK’s largest publishers who acquired her concept, 33,000,000…

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To The One Who Feels Less Than…..

The one who feels less than is the one who opens the door for more. Open your heart as you listen to this tender episode with my darling friend Suzie De Jonge, author of The Untangling. From the girl who felt invisible, who never felt like she fitted in, who was told to be seen…

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Bringing The Shadow Into The Light

Whilst grace can do the heavy lifting, sometimes grace is also a bitch! I attended a Retreat as a participant a few weekends ago facilitated by the powerful Jason Snaddon and Penny Patterson and what arrived in my process was totally unexpected – unacknowledged thoughts and feelings that had been put to bed in the…

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Powerfully Sober

This is the story of Annie McDonnell who on 1 July 2022 is 3000 days, that’s 8 years, powerfully sober. This episode is a celebration of Annie on her 3000th day of sobriety and an honouring of all the parts of her life, or in Annie’s words ‘drops in the ocean’ that have lead Annie…

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The Man In The Iron Mask – The Wholehearted Man Part 3

Through the doorway of our humanity, we remember who we are and we call the new within ourselves and each other. This episode was recorded whilst I was away on Retreat in the Glass House Mountains in Queensland a few days ago. This awareness that coursed through me took me to a place of compassion…

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Calling In The New Within Ourselves

In episode 40(!) I interview the most powerfully delicious woman Shari Elle who is one of the founders of Non-Violent Communication in Australia. Shari invites us to turn towards what is present within us, to be with what is alive. She asks us to acknowledge what is withheld and teaches us that through the doorway…

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The Wholehearted Man – Part 2 ‘Writing New Futures’

I wrote Cameron’s story a few months into coaching and recorded it in The Wholehearted Man Episode 10 back in January. So much goodness has happened since then that I asked Cameron if he’d be open to being interviewed to which he graciously said yes. And boy oh boy did Cameron turn up with an…

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When Is The Right Time?

With the theme ‘When Is The Right Time?’, in Episode 38 I ask some penetrative, provocative and purposeful questions for you to choose you above all else. When is the right time? This episode is a blessing, a prayer and an activation to be in your most authentic and vulnerably powerful leadership. What will you…

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