Podcast: Gisele Gambi

Coming Home – A Prayer For Your Leadership From Kenya

Hello! I am now back from facilitating 'The Breakthrough Year' Retreat in Kenya and have captured just some of the essence of what I received. Enjoy this journey from seeing how we've got it all wrong to acknowledging what really matters. I trust your leadership will be up-levelled. :: If you're in Australia and are…

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More Creative Flow Than Ever Before (Mini episode)

I was compelled to create this episode on the day that I leave for Retreat in Kenya. Will you accept the assignment that I give you to experience more creative flow than ever before over the next two weeks? Listen in and I hope you do. :: Sharing is one of my superpowers and I…

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Purpose, Courage and Shame

Be truly inspired on this episode and receive the courage of a lion that my dear friend and hero partner Charbel Zeaiter demonstrates. Charbel is an inherent teacher and mentor through the many lived experiences he's had from compromising, to 'compromising the fuck up', to spectacular success, to public failure and the shame, depression and…

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Embodying Your Worth Deep In Your Core – A story of Heidi Todd’s life so far

This is a story of Heidi Todd's life so far; a story that Heidi believed was ordinary, a story much like many women who believe that their life is far from extraordinary. Listen to Heidi share her story – a story that I initially invited her to write out and share on a group call…

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Grace Requires Discipline

In this episode I talk about grace requiring discipline….until it doesn't. This is a powerful episode that speaks to the causal point of our suffering – our core wounding, and on the other side of that is freedom. The greater the tension, the greater the return to love. I trust that this episode will have…

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Celebrating the 10,000th download today of The Intuitive Pull Podcast

As I appreciated this milestone of the 10,000th download of the podcast, I did a piece of writing that I have turned into a sort of reflective meditation. I trust this will create an energetic activation in you. All my love and appreciation to the listeners. And may I also share my gratitude for sharing…

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My Soul Must Be Really Pissed Off With Me (group coaching call)

Very blessed to have been given permission by Suzie De Jonge, Jason Snaddon and especially Debbie Radosavljevic, to share some of yesterday's weekly group call with The Intuitive Pull community. You've already heard from Debbie in episode 75 'The Gifts Borne From Pain'. On yesterday's group call Debbie arrived frustrated saying that her soul must…

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Fields of Gold

You cannot create the new by sitting in the version of who you've known yourself to be. It's just not possible. Sometimes we need to go through the eye of the needle to meet more of who we really are. What sits on the other side of this birth canal is a field of gold,…

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Allowing Your Soul To Come Undone

How often do you ask yourself the big questions like 'Where have I not fully chosen to live? What have I not fully chosen to give life to? Is my life about the stuff that really matters?' The taller we stand the more we brace ourselves. Learn how to be free from that and allow…

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Sacred Power Meditation

Please enjoy this meditation which came to me whilst I was meditating this morning entitled Sacred Power. May this meditation embolden you in your own Sacred Power. :: I was recently invited to be a guest speaker on the 'Create a Life You Adore' Summit amongst 20 other people passionate about what they do.  There is…

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