Podcast: Gisele Gambi

‘Why Do You Do What You Do?’ Meditation – Week 2 of the 9 Week Meditation Program

Welcome to Week 2 of the 9 Week Meditation Program entitled Sacred Power. Please enjoy Week 2's meditation 'Why do you do what you do?' If you are present, this meditation will create movement in your life from the most aligned energetic space within of why you do what you do. Enjoy! If you don't…

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‘There Is A New World Coming’ Meditation – Week 1 of the 9 Week Meditation Porgram

Welcome to Week 1 of the 9 Week Meditation Program entitled Sacred Power. Please enjoy Week 1's meditation 'There Is A New World Coming'. If you don't know about this 9 Week Meditation Program, we commence today 7 August 2023. There are close to 200 people on this program. Every Monday for 9 weeks I…

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Introduction to the Sacred Power (free) 9 Week Meditation Program starting 7 August

I recorded this video (unfortunately not seen as video here) for participants of the next 9 Week Meditation Program. After I posted it I realised that it might be valuable to share on this podcast. :: If you'd like to register for the next 9 Week Meditation Program that I will NOT be charging for…

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Want To Actualise What Matters The Most To You? (a creative process you can use)

Use this process that I created for the Sacred Leadership yearlong graduate program to support you to make inevitable what matters the most to you. Learn about the 3 creative phases of Possibility, Probability and Inevitability that we all experience when we follow the intuitive pull. You can use any of the meditations that I've…

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The Adventures of Following The Intuitive Pull (sharing my current adventures)

Come along for the ride on this episode as I share my process in following a recent intuitive pull that I am so vibed about. Allow my sharing to catalyse you seeing and creating momentum around your own intuitive pulls. :: If you'd like to listen to the meditation I did this morning, you can…

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This Time I Was Interviewed

This time I was interviewed on Suzie de Jonge's The Untangling Podcast. Listen in and find out why Suzie entitled this episode “Hearing Words Unspoken”. You can also watch this interview with both of us in our dressing gowns (!) on youtube here Suzie's The Untangling Podcast is a real delight and will have you…

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‘The Piece You Need To See’ To Create Forward Momentum

In this episode I interview one of my dearest friends, 'sister' and Kenya Retreat co-facilitator, Michelle Richmond. Listen to the moment that Michelle came undone after allowing herself to be in her absolute vulnerability. Then observe what played out afterwards as the white noise dropped away and she was truly able to listen to the…

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The Creative Speed of Intuition and Knowingness

That fiery energy continues to move me and so here I am again. Today I talk about the power of ‘knowingness’ and ‘intuition’ as states of being that produce outcomes and results  that are in full alignment with who you are that are greater than you could have predicted with great efficiency and speed If…

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The Fire & Strength Found In Absolute Vulnerability

I had a 'truth ache' this week that led me to creating this episode. We are not here to spiritually bypass away the fire and strength found in absolute vulnerability. In this episode I talk about how we can misperceive the decision to 'accept what is'. If you have not been able to shift and…

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The Sacred Power of Failure

Every single person I coach has failed before we coached and has some kind of experience of failure whilst we coach. Why? There are several reasons but the first is that they were brave enough to fail. I'm proud of that. There are so many shiny light 'success' stories out there that are revered. I…

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