You are going to love this episode with Alana Mai Mitchell, Results Coach, Transformation In A Day Podcaster and Senior Product Development Manager.
Allow this episode to create transformation in a moment! Learn from Alana’s view of the world, what her greatest value is, how the shame that she carried from five mental health crisis’ dissolved in one afternoon and how she so powerfully holds the creative process. I am certain that there are going to be some light bulb moments for you!
I loved having this conversation with Alana.
To connect with Alana go to her website https://www.alanamaimitchell.com. Alana’s website is inspirational in itself! You can also DM Alana at @alana.mai.
Check out her Transformation In A Day Podcast here https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/transformation-in-a-day/id1584789338
And you can buy her very inspiring book Being Brave here https://www.amazon.com.au/Being-Brave-Alana-Mai-Mitchell/dp/0648877205
If you’re called to join Michelle Richmond my dear friend, peer and co-facilitator on Retreat in Kenya 1 – 13 November please email me at gisele@giselegambi.com.au or if you already know Michelle and/or myself please DM us through Messenger.
If you’d like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I’ll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here https://giselegambi.com.au/insights/
If you feel it’s the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you’ll get to know more about the coaching options and I’ll get to know you better https://giselegambi.com.au/coach-with-gisele/
Once I receive your application I’ll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/gisele.gambi/ or go the good old fashioned email route at gisele@giselegambi.com.au
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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