Podcast: Gisele Gambi

The Untapped Abundance Of Being In The Fullness Of Your Gifts (Prayer)

This is a download I received this week that I was moved to put to music and share more like a prayer than a meditation. I trust that it will be activating. Let me know! :: Following a sleepless night of hearing a very direct intuitive pull to boot up the new Untapped Abundance Mastermind,…

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Breakthroughs And Abundance

Following a sleepless night of hearing a very direct intuitive pull to boot up the new Untapped Abundance Mastermind, I share with you the energetic framework of this program, how it works….. and……a very special and first time offer to be taken up by 10 March. If you'd like learn more about and/or apply for…

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When The Grit Hits The Fan, There Is Perfect Order In Everything

When the grit hits the fan, the only way to freedom is by holding the idea that there is perfect order in everything, even if you can't see it at first. In this episode hear about our default responses that will not have you be free from the grit and those responses that will. If…

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Symptoms of Desire and Being Called Into More

I've returned from my holidays in January clearer and more ready than ever before. Listen to this episode and enter an enquiry: Does what once felt big no longer feels that way? Does what once felt aligned no longer feels so? Allow this episode to provoke you into becoming a bigger, more aligned, more authentic,…

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Untapped Abundance in 2024 – Meditation

Happy New Year! Welcome to the theme of this podcast for 2024 – Untapped Abundance. Please use this meditation to meet the untapped abundance of who you are in 2024. And please feel free to share this meditation with your family, friends and colleagues. To learn more about The Untapped Abundance Mastermind please go here…

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The Non Turn-backable Decision That Will Change Your Game

Get an inside look at the major decision I made and the daily ways that allow me lead a full life with a whole lot of spaciousness, peace a joy. This is a very direct episode that will have you appreciate the decisions you've made that have had you experience the same….and if that's not…

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My 2023 Love Letter

Listen to me speak out a love letter I wrote to myself for the breakthrough year 2023 has been. I have not listened to the chatter monkey that has told me reasons why I shouldn't share this raw love letter to myself with you. I hope it activates something very beautiful for you to see…

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The Untapped Abundance of Being Happy

Undeservedness kills happiness. Will you take initiative to face into the shadowy part of your undeservedness or will life instead slap you in the face for you to pay attention? And undeservedness is ‘one’ of the root causes of the drama loving pendulum swings from joy to frustration, success to failure, peace to chaos and…

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The Intuitive Entrepreneur

'The intuitive entrepreneur will fail, and they will feel shame.  In fact if failure and shame have not been experienced, this is not the intuitive entrepreneur at all, but one who hasn’t dared to risk themselves to a vision greater than themselves.' Come on this journey especially if you have failed. Allow this episode to…

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The Untapped Abundance Within You

In this episode I share the elements that have made 2023 a breakthrough year for me that have led me to being the intuitive entrepreneur who is fiercely fucking deserving and knows that I have sacred business to do. I created this episode with the intention that my breakthroughs catalyse your own uplift around your…

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