This golden era is one that up until now has insisted upon patience, on undoing, on untangling, on creating space, on remembering and reforming so that this can be your finest hour.
In your finest hour mechanistic tools and strategies are put down in the first instance and harmonic instruments of peace are prioritised, given breathing space, airtime and shared in communion with others.
Resisting being ‘missioned up’ into the important work we have to do is being in denial of the rhythm of life and pushing back on a tidal force that clearly wants us to move in the direction of this new era of sacred leadership.
It’s like Love is saying ‘get with the program’ and nothing but.
Yes it can feel uncomfortable.
Yes it can feel frustrating.
Yes it can feel exhilarating too.
And yes the unknown and the unclear can feel disorienting, frightening even.
I know because I have felt all of this.
Recently I’ve felt a shyness within me, my throat has felt on fire, sore, and what I perceived as being closed.
Until I realised that my throat was not in fact closed.
It is wanting to become a loud speaker.
A loud speaker in service to those who have emotional, spiritual and professional maturity, who have done the work and reaped its rewards, who don’t have time on their side yet have an undeniable desire to fulfil the soul contract they made with themselves.
A loud speaker to let you know that this is your golden era and your finest hour is yet to come.
A loud speaker to remind you that discomfort is in fact hugely constructive because there is hunger here.
A loud speaker to welcome the appetite of hunger because hunger is devotional and urgency is legitimate.
A loud speaker that honours who you already are and who you are to become, that recognises that miracles upon miracles are the offspring of this union.
For the past 10 years I have worked with people in the structure of a high touch Mastermind. This has created life-changing shifts, friendships and so many ripples, more than I could ever have dreamt, and it will continue to do so.
Yet I have a ‘capacity’ issue working 1 on 1.
To execute this new mission of being the loud speaker for those entering into their golden era I’ve chosen to offer an additional program – The Sacred Leaders Group Program.
Sacred leadership has no prejudice or preference as to how it is applied because Love knows no bounds. Medicine, politics, law, family, money, community, business, philanthropy, the environment, AI, divorce, death, cancer, trauma, war, bankruptcy…..
Sacred leadership asks us to be the light where it does not exist or does not yet exist fully.
Sacred leadership asks us to bring new perspectives that open us rather than have us contract into fear and impossibility.
Sacred leadership asks us to create and innovate in service not only to the possibility but the reality of freedom, love, authenticity, connection, joy, peace, compassion, understanding and happiness regardless of its subject matter.
And because of our maturity this new era of sacred leadership is emboldening us to stand taller and shine our light brighter than we have so far given ourselves permission.