Sacred Business
7 & 8 May, Sydney

For the past 25 years my orientation in life has been one of hearing the callings and following the intuitive pulls. What that has meant is that I’ve taken turns, gone in opposite directions and found myself in places that were completely unexpected.
This is what i call 'sacred business'.

In 1998 I learned that my 18 week old baby had a diaphragmatic hernia and had a 7% chance of survival.
Yet I found a doctor who told me that should his lungs be formed that an operation post birth would lead to a perfectly normal life.
Unfortunately when Joshua was born in February 1999 his lungs weren’t formed and we took him off life support at 11 days old.
Understandably I lost myself for a few years post Joshua’s death and the end of a marriage until I followed an on the spot instinct to commit to a personal growth program in 2002/2003. That program changed my life.
During that program I heard Joshua say to me ‘you’re here to ignite peoples’ spirits and hearts. That’s what you did for me and 11 days was all I needed and now I do the same to you.’
What did that mean? I had no idea BUT I could feel the calling in my heart. And I knew I had to leave my human resources directorship job to commit to exploring and understanding that calling.
After much meditation and presencing, I started my first business Dare to be Remarkable, a facilitation business with my darling friend David in May 2004.
I also married again in June 2004 to Clayton and this year we will be 20 years married. He found me at a night club following his own intuition that he was going to meet ‘the girl forever’ that night. What he discovered upon meeting me was that I was the girl that a friend of his had suggested we meet. Magic.
In 2011 I lost my confidence with my work, gave my power away and followed ‘experts’ advice. After a few years of lots of no fruit bearing work, financial anxiety, feeling hopelessly helpless, not knowing which way to turn, I received a breakthrough shift in perception that changed everything. It changed who I worked with, the purpose of my work and also the way in which I worked. I engaged a Mastermind Model and I facilitated retreats overseas in China, Phuket, Vietnam, Croatia and I’ll be in Kenya this year for my 5th time.
Clients came through what I wrote on Facebook rather than all the strategies that the experts advised and I am so grateful for that, and of course referrals.
Each piece of writing was and still is a calling. I do not create content for the sake of content. 
Then I unexpectedly started to also use my voice and launched The Intuitive Pull Podcast in December 2021. It’s had 16,500 downloads to date and is ranked in the top 3% of podcasts globally.
Last June I was pulled to let go of The Catalysts Mastermind – the model that I’ve worked with successfully for 
10 years. Such a brave decision as the Mastermind has been my main source of income. I could no longer feel the energy. I began a new program for graduates ‘Sacred Leadership’ that I had zero idea about at the beginning of the year.
And this year I have very BIG energy to go beyond the ceiling of who I am, how I show up and what I catalyse through my work. This includes the new Untapped Abundance Mastermind and some other delicious forms of service that you’ll find out about soon.  I will say however that the coaching models that have arrived are way beyond what I have seen for myself and others until now.
Big energy.
Big capacity.
Big leadership.
Big service.
Big miracles and Big results

Why am I sharing All of this?

ALL of this is what I call ‘Sacred Business’, from the intuition to continue with the pregnancy, to the ending of my marriage, to my life devoted to personal growth till the day that I die in my 90’s I hope, to the ending of my human resources career to stepping into my life’s work and all the continued twists and turns that will continue to grace our world.
Towards the end of last year I was called to facilitate a 2 day program dedicated to giving participants the space to presence, feel, listen and receive their own sacred business for 2024.  We had our first program on 6 & 7 February. It was truly remarkable and I will even say life changing.  
So here I am again offering another opportunity this year on 7 & 8 May 2024 for 11 people only to stop, to be, to feel and to listen into the sacred business they have to do with themselves.
As you can see from my experience when we orientate from a place of ‘sacred business’ it is beyond goal setting, intentions and new years resolutions!

About Sacred Business

I will be facilitating this program with my co-facilitators Troy Methorst and Bec Sedgman who are breath work facilitators extraordinaire. Through breakthwork and other processes we will go deep into our intuitive mind and this is where your sacred business will be accessed – way, way beyond the stories, perceptions, assumptions, beliefs, burdens, failures, shame and expectations.

This is not for brand new people who have never done personal growth work before. There needs to already be an understanding and commitment to take 100% personal responsibility for your life.

This is an exclusive program for 11 people only on 7 & 8 May at The Q Station in Manly, Sydney. The investment is $2,200.  This includes a 1 on 1 coaching session with me after the program and 1 group call on Zoom one month later where we celebrate all that has unfolded.

It would be an honour to share this precious time together. If you show up fully I promise you that these two days will provide the footing for 2024 of a deeply meaningful kind.

What a great week🌟
The last two days I gave myself the space and time to give back to myself by participating in a beautiful Retreat at Quarantine Station facilitated by my divine friend @authenticgisele💖 “Sacred Business” WOW🌟 combined with Breakthrough Breathwork sessions by a truly deep hearted man Troy and the amazing touch of the magical Bec
🙏🏻🙏🏻 I am a lighter girly today with a pep in my step and intend to stay this way after unravelling some heaviness of the past few years.. nothing crazy, just the build up of life and motherhood and giving to others😅 Too many words (like a whole essay) needs to written about my experience and I encourage whoever feels any disconnection to themselves, their loved ones, their life’s path in general to take the time also🙏🏻
I am super grateful and happy with my beautiful big life but needed to bring it back to me, feel some things, release some things, learn some things, be vulnerable, bring back my value, clean out and move back in to my own house (metaphorically) & find my power again to be the best for the rest by putting myself first & put out my ripples for the most abundant 2024 that can possibly be🌟
Renee Kearney
2 powerful days spent with Gisele, supported by Troy and Bec, gave me the clarity and courage to discover what my Sacred Business is, breaking through the barriers that I didn’t know were preventing me from putting myself first… always.
Elaine Fin
General Manager
As always, working with Gisele is a challenge (in all the good ways) and bringing Troy and Bec in to do the body work is next level. I would definitely recommend Sacred Business to anyone who is looking for a deeper understanding of who they are and what makes them tick. The team of Gisele, Troy and Bec ensures that you are supported throughout the process so that everyone is able to find their nugget of power to take forward into their work and life. I went into the session feeling like I was stalled and didn’t know why and 2 days later had a new vision for who I am in my work and a clearer idea of where my strengths are. The feeling that I am treading water is gone and I am back in my flow!
Sarah McDonald
Holistic Therapist
After returning back into quite literally the Sacred Space that Gisele holds, my experience this time was breath-taking- literally. Going deep into meditation and experiencing the gift of breathwork with Troy and Bec allowed me to find a space of peace and remembering of my own intuitive presence once more" Don't miss this if you want to go deep..
Gavin Howard
Vibrational Marketing