In this episode a tell a story of a contradiction I saw in the story I was telling myself versus how I was actually feeling.
Underneath the story was unworthiness saying ‘am I really worthy of this growing capacity and all that it brings?’
I know this episode will speak to many of you around your own capacity. My intention is that you’ll experience freedom to be able to fully receive your growing capacity and the consequences of being in more and more service to love.
If you’re tickled by this new 9 week offering that I refer to (where I’ll share more detail in a later episode this week) and would like to learn about it now, please message me through Facebook or send me an email gisele@giselegambi.com.au. I’d be glad to share details of this program that starts 30 January 2022.
If you’d like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I’ll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here https://giselegambi.com.au/insights/
If you feel it’s the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you’ll get to know more about the coaching options and I’ll get to know you better https://giselegambi.com.au/coach-with-gisele/
Once I receive your application I’ll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/gisele.gambi/ or go the good old fashioned email route at gisele@giselegambi.com.au
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/gisele-gambi/message