The one who feels less than is the one who opens the door for more.
Open your heart as you listen to this tender episode with my darling friend Suzie De Jonge, author of The Untangling.
From the girl who felt invisible, who never felt like she fitted in, who was told to be seen and not heard, learn how Suzie untangled through the power of standing up and owning it all, through the arms of compassion and forgiveness and the act of surrendering and surrendering some more.
Suzie said that ‘being invisible is one of the most unbearable pains ever’. I know that many within this podcast community will relate.
As someone who declared that she can’t stand back and do nothing, be inspired by her greatest wish that we don’t rob ourselves of the opportunity to love and be loved fully.
Allow this episode to crack you open into your own untangling.
Thank you Suzie for your generosity, vulnerability and enormous heart. I love you dearly.
To purchase Suzie’s book, go here http://sue-dejonge.squarespace.com
PS: Suzie’s daughter talented Alex Saba is the artist that created The Intuitive Pull Podcast image which I adore. You can connect with Alex here https://www.getlusid.co
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Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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