This is the story of Annie McDonnell who on 1 July 2022 is 3000 days, that’s 8 years, powerfully sober. This episode is a celebration of Annie on her 3000th day of sobriety and an honouring of all the parts of her life, or in Annie’s words ‘drops in the ocean’ that have lead Annie to be powerfully sober.
I start this episode in so much gratitude to Annie who reads ‘The Last Day’, a piece of writing that speaks to the intensity of her last day of drinking that was the invitation, the gateway into her future.
You don’t need to be an alcoholic to listen to this episode. And equally if you have struggled just a little or a lot with anything you have been addicted to, including alcohol, I promise that you will have waves of goosebumps covering your body as you listen to Annie’s words.
Annie is unapologetically sober and unapologetically makes a declaration of wanting more; to see more of who she can be, more of what she can do, more around her capacity for leadership, more joy and more of a very full experience of life.
Annie defines her journey to being powerfully sober as ‘The Sacred Walk’. This episode is a Sacred Walk in itself. Our hope is that it will move you, deeply.
If you feel Annie is your person to support you to re-create your life when drinking is no longer an option, you can read more of Annie’s sublimely exquisite words here https://powerfullysober.com. You can also email her here annie@powerfullysober.com
You can watch Elizabeth Gilbert’s Tik Tok here https://www.tiktok.com/@ursulayt/video/7112488349612428550?_t=8TXKZ7D5Y3t&_r=1
The children’s parable The Little Soul and The Sun by Neale Donald Walsch can be read here http://www.sapphyr.net/largegems/littlesoul-thesun.htm
And if you want to watch another piece that wasn’t spoken about during this episode but powerfully speaks to the ‘joining of the dots’ watch Steve Job’s speech here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc&fbclid=IwAR3v0kIi1qUazbMzMoUjuDPPweE_d1_1sWkf-m83FUtX6QCICcpEaDU1J3U
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Once I receive your application I’ll contact you to book in a time to connect.
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Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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