Oh gosh it was truly a delight to interview Misha Frankel. Allow this episode to be a deep spiritual experience about who you really are and remember that when you let go, you don’t fall, you fly.
Be inspired by the premises that when you give, you receive and that when there’s judgment, you’ve lost connection.
This episode’s energy is like that of the stillness and knowing that is accessed in meditation and so my intention is that this conversation truly blesses your life.
I hope this episode is truly valuable to you. Please let me know!!! (ways to connect with me are listed below)
Thank you Misha for making my Monday morning and setting my energy up for the week. 🙏🏼
Connect with the wonderful Misha Frankel for her Reflexology services and more on 0417 443 701 or at misha@connectingenergies.com.au
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Go the good old fashioned email route at gisele@giselegambi.com.au
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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