Whilst grace can do the heavy lifting, sometimes grace is also a bitch!
I attended a Retreat as a participant a few weekends ago facilitated by the powerful Jason Snaddon and Penny Patterson and what arrived in my process was totally unexpected – unacknowledged thoughts and feelings that had been put to bed in the shadows of my consciousness.
Through the divine recipe of the retreat and what has unfolded since then I was reminded of a download that I received in meditation in 2017 – that we’re being invited to transmute fear, pain, suffering such that nothing is left but love and freedom. 100% transmutation is not only possible, it’s a reality that I have experienced within me and have enjoyed witnessing in clients. Look at Annie McDonnell’s Powerfully Sober Episode 42 as a truly phenomenal example. https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/powerfully-sober/id1591584163?i=1000568087134
This process reminded me to fly this flag again for 100% transmutation and thus I recorded this episode.
In this episode I talk about our wounding around our masculine and feminine nature and the divine power that we embody when we become whole with the masculine and feminine within us, regardless of our gender.
I hope you will receive some penny dropping moments through the ripples of my current process.
If you’d like to attend the next Retreat that Jason and Penny are facilitating over the Spring Equinox in Bowral NSW, 21 – 24 September 2022, you can reach Jason Snaddon, The Abundance Activator here https://www.jasonsnaddon.com or Penny Patterson at pattersonpenny@hotmail.com.
You can also coach with Jason or Penny. They are pretty spectacular coaches as evidenced on this Retreat.
If you feel it’s the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you’ll get to know more about the coaching options and I’ll get to know you better https://giselegambi.com.au/coach-with-gisele/
Once I receive your application I’ll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/gisele.gambi/ or go the good old fashioned email route at gisele@giselegambi.com.au
If you’d like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I’ll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here https://giselegambi.com.au/insights/
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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