Want to find your purpose? Let it find you because it exists in the fabric of your life. You won’t be able to see it with the rational mind but rather through a sense of acceptance and wonder of what has been, what is and what could be when you value your value and marry that with what matters most to you.
Enjoy this meditation which you can be with over and over again.
Be inspired by my introduction where I speak to a woman I’ve come across in the last few days through Facebook – Jasmine Straga who has re-homed 292 Ukranian girls mostly in Europe and some in Sydney. All these girls have a background in performing arts and Jasmine has organised flights, visas, accommodation, medical and food and schools to continue with their learning and schools to teach. Traumatised by war and loss, Jasmine makes sure that these girls are also looked after from a mental and emotional wellbeing point of view. Currently she has three girls who she’s found housing and a college to attend in Tuggerah.
Please watch a clip on SBS news about Jasmine’s work here in Australia https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1387027038437865
If you’re called to support in any way you feel (financial donation for accommodation and living expenses, teaching and performing opportunities and mental & emotional support), please contact Jasmine at info@jasminestraga.com or at https://www.facebook.com/jasminestragacreations or here www.jasminestraga.com
Or if you’ve enjoyed these episodes and would like to pass it on via a financial donation towards these girls’ lives here in Australia, please contact Jasmine.
I’ll be personally meeting Jasmine tomorrow.
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DM me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/gisele.gambi/
Complete a Coaching Application form where you’ll get to know more about the coaching options and I’ll get to know you better https://giselegambi.com.au/coach-with-gisele/
Go the good old fashioned email route at gisele@giselegambi.com.au
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/gisele-gambi/message