Imagine giving yourself a year of presence to your precious inner life, your longings and desires, your callings
and a world of deep meaning and purpose  – like you have never done before. 

 Imagine giving yourself a year of bowing down to your intuition,
and having the presence to listen to its whispers and the courage to follow its pulls

Imagine giving yourself a year where you rise above the inconsistency of flow
and instead enjoy the creative adventure of being in the discipline of flow.

Imagine what you’d put down.

Imagine what would change.

Imagine how free you’d become.

Imagine how your capacity to love and lead self and others would grow.

Because you raised the stakes.

And then new visions arrived
and you brought greater integrity into your world around your self-leadership, purpose, health, relationships and money.

Imagine being in your unapologetic leadership, no longer hiding your authority and what you know.

Imagine coming out of hiding and being lit up with a creative agency you’d never met before.

Do you feel ready to have your best year yet?
Because that’s the path I’ve been walking with the people I coach.
And they’ve been shown dreams they never knew they had.


They’ve authored books and screen-plays, launched successful new businesses with bigger, more powerful missions, stepped into leadership with much greater authenticity, impact and wealth, some became cancer free and others untangled dynamics that maintained chaos within the family system and now love is all that is present.

And they all commenced believing they were not enough in one way or another, no matter how successful they’d already been. 

And then…..

They decided they could no longer make non-excellent choices.  

They took responsibility, even though they didn’t know where the journey would take them.

They faced into themselves head on

and entered those caves they feared

and kept rolling up their sleeves.

And when it was time to take their giant leaps, they remembered the magic.

Who are you capable of being?
It's far greater than the idea you have of yourself.

Join me in yearlong practice of presence in a coaching program with a twist 
where accountability and being seen are the names of the game.


A Year of Accountability 

Imagine a year of accountability through a practice of writing, specifically writing ‘Notes to Self’ about 3 or more times per week.  

Because writing is an act of sacred presence.  You become still.  You open.  You feel.  You acknowledge. You receive.  You listen.   You allow.  And you are shown. 

Think of this like a yearlong writing retreat that gives you fuel to move with self-leadership, love, power, authenticity and gusto.

There’ll be intuitions you receive, writings you’ll publish, there may be keynotes, trainings and programs you’ll deliver, or even  podcasts if that’s your jam.  There’ll be conversations you’ll have, missions and visions you’ll say yes to, and even the book that you may have been wanting to write.

✍️ A Year of Being Seen

Imagine what it’s like to share your Notes to Self with others.  Of course some will remain private but others will want to be shared.  Whilst writing is a solitary act, when witnessed by others something magical occurs.  You are seen.  And being seeing is activating, creating further shoots that wouldn’t be received alone.  Through feedback gained, you’ll see what you haven’t been able to see for yourself.  The pieces that hold resonance, inspiration, vulnerability and power will grow legs in your leadership      through the action you take post calls.

We’ll therefore come together in an on-line group coaching environment for four hours each month.  You’ll be supported by myself and four facilitators, two of which are published authors, their books written from their own Notes to Self. 

The first hour of the month will be a teaching session speaking to the components that will make this a most significant life-changing year.  That will be followed by two 90 minute sessions for the writers to share their Notes to Self and be witnessed and to have the privilege of witnessing others. How often you come to group calls is up to you.

✍️ A Year of Harnessing the Power of Community

I am big on community.  The richness gained by being in communion with a tribe you connect with is priceless. Because I hold community as a divine eco-system, synergy, friendships, collaboration and ideation will be the fabric woven amongst this group of writers.

You’ll also be part of a Facebook Group for the people on this program.  Here you’ll also be able to share your writings, contemplations, wins, challenges, transformations, insights and pulls.  The facilitators will be coaching in this Facebook group, commenting and giving feedback to your shares.

I’ll also be sharing personally curated meditations and playlists to support your writing.   And I’ll give you different ideas on how you can most effectively be in a writing practice that works for you.

Group call recordings will be posted here for those unable to make the sessions live.

Do you feel a significant life-changing year is calling?
Do you feel you’re on the precipice read to take the next giant leap?

This is a year long act of commitment, diligence and devotion that will bring momentum and flow to your life.

You’ll see tangible results inside and out in relation to your purpose, health and wellbeing, relationships, finances and lifestyle.

Because there are times in our lives when we know this has to be our best year yet.

✨we have to become more free

✨we have to raise the stakes

✨and we have to come out of hiding and take our place in the world

If that is you, please join me for the following year in 

My Best Year Yet, commencing  1 November 2024.

The Investment

The biggest investment is your commitment, focus and energy to having your best year yet by doing the work that is required in this program.

And, I’ve chosen a fee that makes it really easy for people to say yes – firstly with a pre-sale fee of $5,500 paid upfront which is available now.  Over the next few months the fee will go up to $7,700 and $9,900.

Whilst we begin 1 November we’ll warm you up before then.  If you’d like, you can start writing Notes to Self now, sharing them with me and the facilitators and feeling their impact even before the gates open.

The pre-sale fee of AUD$5,500 paid upfront is available now.  If you’d like to take advantage of this ridiculously low fee that is incomparable to the value you’ll receive, you can do that here.  You’ll receive confirmation of payment and a coaching agreement within 24 hours of registration.

When I close the pre-sale fee, the price will go up to AUD$7,700.  This will be available until 4 October, 7 days after a free Masterclass I’ll facilitate called My Best Year Yet on 25, 26 and 27 September at 11am AEST.  To register for this Masterclass you can do that here.  


If you pay upfront, the fee will be reduced by $700.  If however you’d like to pay in instalments, you can do that over 12 monthly payments.

From 5 October the price will go up to the full fee of AUD$9,900. 

If you pay upfront, the fee will be reduced by $900.  If however you’d like to pay in instalments, you can do that over 12 monthly payments.

All fees are non-refundable.

Questions You May Have

What if I can’t make it live to the group calls?

That’s OK.  The calls will be recorded and uploaded in the Facebook Group.

Do I have to be good at writing?

Absolutely not.  But there needs to be a curiosity about what could unfold by committing to a process of writing.

Do I have to write at least 3 times per week?

I understand that life happens sometimes, and so I’m realistic with that.  And if you want to make this your most significant life-changing year again, being accountable to writing around 3 times per week, most weeks, will support that for sure.

Will there be enough time on the group calls for everyone to share their Notes to Self?

No, most likely not.  However, hearing other peoples’ writing is also part of the process.  New thoughts will arise through your listening and add richness to your writing.  That’s why the Facebook Group is also there – so you can share your Notes to Self there to gain feedback.

How will the coaching work?

The Super Coaches and I will be in the Facebook Group, giving coaching feedback daily.  We’ll also be coaching over the 4 hours each month on Zoom.

Do I have to attend every group coaching call?

Please show up as much as you can, and I also understand that work and family commitments are part of life.  That’s why the calls will be recorded and uploaded in the Facebook Group.

Do I have to start 1 November?

As this is a new program, we are kicking off on 1 November, however this is an evergreen program, meaning that the program will continue rolling and new registrations can happen at any time of the year.

What happens now if I take advantage of the pre-sale fee?

Rather than waiting until 1 November, you’ll be invited in the closed Facebook group now.  Whilst you won’t be expected to fully commit to the process until 1 November, we’ll get you ‘warmed up’ so that you’re ahead of the start line when we begin in November.  These are bonus months to the yearlong program that commences 1 November.

What are the dates of the group calls?

Remember these calls will be recorded for those unable to attend every call live.  Coaching feedback on Notes to Self will also take place in the Facebook group.


Here is the call schedule for the first 6 months.  All times are AEDT or AEST.

Friday 1 November 9am

Thursday 14 November 5pm

Thursday 28 November 9am

Tuesday 3 December 5pm

Wednesday 18 December 9am

Monday 30 December 5pm

Friday 3 January 9am

Thursday 9 January 5pm

Thursday 23 January 9am

Thursday 6 February 5pm

Thursday 13 February 9am

Thursday 27 February 5pm

Thursday 6 March 9am

Thursday 20 March 5pm

Thursday 27 March 9am

Thursday 3 April 5pm

Thursday 17 April 9am

Thursday 24 April 5pm

I have other questions

Great.  Please contact me here with your questions and I’ll get back to you.