The Mind Of God Prayer/Meditation

Are you aware of the quality of your thinking, decisions and actions? From which orientation are they being fuelled by – your small thinking mind that thinks it’s doing good or the vastness of the mind that has a creative power way beyond your identity?

As I’m about to head off to facilitate another retreat in Kenya on the back of facilitating a retreat in Croatia a few weeks ago, this piece of writing came when I decided to stop and just be with myself. I then decided to turn the writing into an episode for this podcast.

I hope that this prayer/meditation fuels much creative power and creates many ripples of impact.

If you’re pulled to join us in Kenya in one week’s time 1 – 13 November and if you know Michelle Richmond or myself, please message us. If you don’t know us please email me at We have 1 more place available.


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Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art

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