Sacred Power
9 Week Meditation

Love has bigger plans for you than the plans you've made

Want to move past your blindspots and thresholds on how powerful and loving you can be? 

Want to experience the premise that authenticity is profitable? 

Want to experience the power of your intuition and knowing? 

Subscribe to my substack blog and allow the insights shared to practically impact how you show up in your world. 

You’ll see that it’s so much more simple than what you’ve believed. Join the Community.

Join the Community

It was through information received in meditation that…

It is also through meditation that I had been feeling
that there was another model for me to see
that would allow me to be of service to more people.

And yesterday when I went for a walk, I saw this model.

Introducing the Sacred Power
9 Week Meditation program.
Welcome to the Second Series

8 people participated in Series 1 over January – March.

The fee was $2000. A few weeks ago in meditation I received the inspiration to NOT charge for Series 2.

My vision is that 100 people or more will join me in Series 2.


Because I want as many people as possible to reconnect with and remember their own ‘Sacred Power’.

Joy is scalable.

Connection is scalable.

Impact is scalable.

Authenticity is scalable.

Integrity is scalable.

Join me on this nine week meditation journey and let’s strip away unnecessary props and strategies that you’ve believed creates momentum.

Momentum serves the committed.

The question is……….what are you committed to?

Your mind or the Universal Mind?

This is a 9 week container that will

I know the transformative power of taking personal responsibility to love ourselves wholly and unconditionally as we are.

I know the transformative power of seeing and owning our unique talents and gifts and to lead unreservedly from them, without compromise.

I know the transformative power of following the intuitive pull – consistently, even if it feels audacious.

And I know the transformative power of collaborating with the divine architecture of the universal mind.

When we operate only from our human identity, 1 + 1 will only ever equal 2. Because the human assumption is that ‘we’re not enough in one way or another’, our self-identity and what we’re creating will never be enough.

When we operate only from our spiritual identity, 1 + 1 will amount to nothing. To be in denial of our humanity, is to be in denial of the vehicle by which we get to experience our infinite, creative nature.

But when we operate from the whole of ourselves, from the beauty of our humanity and the limitless nature of our spirit, this is where the magic happens. This is where we defy assumptions about what we’re capable of. This is where we say ‘I never knew that could or would have happened.’

This is the power of meditation.

And so here we are.

This 9 Week Meditation Series showed itself yesterday as I went for a walk (exactly as I’m asking you to do). 

For 9 weeks at a time, we’ll be in a container that not only invites presence, but demands it.

Only for those who commit to this program, each week I’ll publish one meditation that is specifically designed to have you experience that authenticity is profitable. You’ll be asked to listen to that meditation at least 5 times per week and to follow the intuitive pull and take inspired action when it arises.

You’ll also be asked to walk, read, listen to music and podcasts – anything that opens your mind, that opens your intuition and imagination, and has you orientate from beyond the rational mind as first port of call.

Only for those who commit to this program, every fortnight we’ll have a group call on zoom where you’ll commune with others who have given themselves this 9 week container. This will be a space where you’ll share the magic of what is unfolding. And by witnessing what is occurring for others, this will also give you ideas, have you see solutions and create further opportunities for you to experience that authenticity is indeed profitable.

You’ll receive a total of 9 specifically designed meditations and the opportunity to attend 5 group calls.

Who is this for?

Quite simply, for those who feel intuitively pulled to this program. 

Because when you know you know you know.

This program is for you if you

How it works

The Second Series

Now Open
9 weeks

Group Calls by Zoom

Friday 18 August 10am - 11am AEST
Friday 1 September 10am - 11am AEST
Friday 15 September 10am - 11am AEST
Monday 9 October 10am - 11am AEDT

Weekly Meditations


The Sacred Power
9 Week Meditation Program
Facebook Group

We will use this closed FB group 

Meditations will be uploaded here and so too will the recordings of the fortnightly group calls.

This FB group will be a place to connect with others on the program, to share wins, challenges, questions and the magic that is happening in your life.

I intend always that each group I facilitate contains the most perfect people at the most perfect time and is its own sacred eco-system.

Be prepared to be surprised and delighted as connections are deepened and new connections are formed. I would’t be surprised if collaborations arise from this program.

How can I Join?

You can write Register by sending an email to with Subject Title 

“I’m in for the 9 Week Meditation Program”

Please share the love and invite your family, friends and colleagues to join you on this program. 

My vision is to have 100 people or more join us in Series 2. 

Thank you for your support,

WHy is this Program Important to Me?

Because when I was on Retreat in Kenya in November, I appreciated the radical trust I have in operating from the whole of me, from my humanity and from my relationship with the Universal mind.

I recognised that every truly meaningful shift, experience and result has happened because I devote at least 18 hours per week to meditation and activities that create a quality state of presence. This includes closed eye meditation, walking meditation, pondering time as I run, take a shower, drive, listen to music, read, write, listen to podcasts. If I include time in presence with my coach, my clients and peers then the hours I devote are well past 18 hours per week.

I spoke out loud in Kenya about this conviction and I declared that I would do more and expect more from others in relationship to their own state of presence.

Your Questions Answered

Do I need to have my own business for this program to be relevant to me?

Absolutely not. This program is about leadership, starting with leadership of self in the context
that ‘authenticity is profitable’. In other words, the more authentic you are, the more you’ll
experience in ways that matter the most to you. The ripples reach into your spiritual, physical and
mental wellbeing, your relationships at home, in your community and work, your sense of purpose
and meaning in the world, different forms of authentic expression, lifestyle choices and also
financial profitability.
I have a saying. The deeper you go, the greater your wealth – in all ways (not only financial

What happens if I miss a group call?

No problem. The call will be recorded and uploaded in the FB group.

Do I have to share on every group call?

Depending on the amount of people, there may or may not be time for everyone to share.
That is totally perfect. What I do request is that you show up as an active participant whether you share or not. Come to these group calls with an intention that you’ll experience something valuable if not magical each time you attend.

And of course, if you’re pulled to share, I encourage you to take responsibility and put yourself in the middle of the room.

Will I have access to all the meditations?

Yes, they will be uploaded in the FB group and you’ll be able to download them to your phone and computer so that you can access them at any time, even after the program has finished.

How much time do I need to give to meditating?

What I request is at the minimum you to listen to each weekly meditation five times during
the week.
And what I also request is that you are actively present during your day, not just in
meditation. That means being observant of what you see/feel/know/sense/hear in light of
your intentions for the program.
To help increase your level of presence, I request that you take time to open up, to ponder,
to observe and listen. That can happen through closed eye meditation and it can happen
with your eyes open. You could listen to the weekly meditations even as you walk.
Listening to music, podcasts, writing, walking and running, taking a shower and driving are
all places where I allow my mind to open.
My mind is also open when I’m coaching and having conversations with like-minded
people. I’m acutely present there and very often have so many take-outs from my
conversations which I often refer to on the podcast!

Can I share these meditations with people outside of the 9 week program?

You are always free to do as you wish, and yes you can, but they will not receive the true value of the meditation as they will not receive the value of the 9 week program.
As always, I’d love you to share The Intuitive Pull Podcast with your friends and also The Intuitive Pull FB group so that I can welcome into this community.

What if I am not on Facebook?

That’s OK. Just let me know and I will send you the meditations, zoom link and Group Call
recordings through email. Having access to the Facebook group is however preferable.

Will these meditations be accessible through The Intuitive Pull Podcast?

Absolutely no. These meditations are specifically designed for members of this 9 week program.

What happens next?

Once you enrol, you’ll be invited to join the Sacred Power August – October 2023
cohort FB group.
Even though we won’t officially start until 18 August  you never know what I might upload between now and then! In this year’s theme of Overflow and 2023’s year of Radical Generosity, why not get the ball rolling now?

Feedback from previous meditation episodes

“I have just listened to your podcast on responsibility and it was riveting and mind blowing in its intensity, honesty and depth of truth. It spoke to me on so many levels and was the reminder I needed at this time too refocus. Will be sharing your podcast far and wide. It is important for everyone to listen to.”

“Your conviction was so pointed I had to keep listening in one sitting. This was a reset.”

“Thank you for the amazing episode. It spoke volumes to me and has certainly put a fire in my belly to move forward with my calling.”

“Good morning , just wanted to say how much I am loving your podcast . Your presence, vibrancy and clarify is truly a gift for the listeners. I always find the right space to hear your words of wisdom. They elevate me to a new perspective and expansion. I know many more people will be experiencing this.”

“My personal retreat listening to this podcast. Sometimes we don’t allow ourselves to see the ripples . Thank you for bringing so much love through your communication.”

“This was one of the best episodes I’ve listened to in a while. So many beautiful moments & gems to take away into our own lives”

“Gisele your words hold so much wisdom and strength. They speak to the heart.”