The Power Of Surrendering To Intuition

This week’s episodes are dedicated to supporting you to unequivocally surrender to your intuitive pulls by discerning decisions that have come from ego.

A memory magically showed up on Facebook of two former clients who are the most extraordinary demonstrations of having been seduced by the voice of the ego and then having a never, ever again moment to taking advice from this orientation.

What occurred as a result is truly miraculous in contrast to where they had been. This outcome is always the result of fully surrendering to a plan we did not make. The intuitive plan provides no assurity to the mind that wants to know what will happen and how and when it will happen. It is this act of letting go of control and surrendering into the unknown that redirects us into a field of all possibility. As we take 100% personal responsibility for who we have been, for who we are choosing to be, and we lean into the divine plan that waits for us to say yes, results occur of a nature that is unlimited.

I asked Vania Contreras for her contact details to include in the show notes and this was her reply. Is this not the most remarkable demonstration, one that certainly goes against the grain of conventional marketers who orientate in the belief that it’s what we do that creates our results.

‘Oh I don’t have any… that was also part of the magic bestowed… all my work from that point came via recommendation, no more hustle… no website, a little Instagram, but tonnes of love that rippled out and returned the gifts.’

If you’d like to connect with the visual poet, Ioanna Lennox you can find her details here. Go and feast your eyes on her visual poetry!

And if you’d like to see the video where you heard Ioanna speak today, you can find it here

Ioanna’s story inspired Vania to coach. May both Ioanna and Vania’s story inspire many.


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Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art

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